Fredrik Lundströms “Glömskans tid” är en episk resa genom ett futuristiskt landskap, sprängfyllt av dristiga äventyr och smått fantastiska varelser. Hjältinnan Biik, tillsammans med sin besättning på luftskeppet Aerofortuna, upptäcker en värld där gränsen mellan teknik och magi tycks suddas ut.
Boken tar oss från intensiva jakter genom basarernas trånga gränder till de mystiska och farliga djupzonernas innersta. Lundström flätar skickligt samman öden och skapar ögonblick som fängslar och förför.
(Novel only available in Swedish, but a translation of the presentation below)
Fredrik Lundström’s “The Time of Oblivion” is an epic journey through a futuristic landscape, brimming with daring adventures and quiet fantastical creatures. The heroine Biik, along with her crew aboard the airship Aerofortuna, discovers a world where the line between technology and magic seems to blur.
The book takes us from intense chases through the narrow alleys of the bazaars to the innermost parts of the mysterious and dangerous deep zones. Lundström skillfully weaves together destinies and creates moments that captivate and enchant.
Pressrelease for the Novel here (In Swedish)
Translated text:
Artificial Intelligence and Space Colonies in Fredrik Lundström’s “Time of Oblivion”
Fredrik Lundström takes readers on an epic journey through a futuristic landscape in Time of Oblivion. In a distant future, humanity has successfully colonized space. The heroine, Biik, along with her crew on the airship Aerofortuna, discovers a world where the line between technology and magic seems to blur.
“Many signs indicated that there might be a knowledge center here, one of the ancient archives of the Builders. If it was well preserved, it would be possible to directly access their lost knowledge.”
The technology that has enabled the expansion of civilization is called biots—machine beings that, unlike human bodies, can endure intergalactic travel and are responsible for all trade and information dissemination between the colonies. The power of the biots proves to be increasingly problematic as Biik and her crew approach the truth.
Time of Oblivion is not just a story of survival and courage but also a profound exploration of both human and artificial intelligence and their place in the universe. Through a vivid cast of characters and a richly detailed world, Lundström touches on several of today’s crucial issues. How can information be preserved for future generations? And what happens when information is used as a tool of power?